Phase 04 - Week 16

Project Recap - Weeks 15 - 16
Last Week 15:
Visited London Design
This Week 16:
- Tutorial with Dan Critical - Report Review
- Make an appointment with Ask
- Work on lighting visualisation of the fountain
- Work on Studio Practice

Phase 03/Wk 16: Deliver

Tutorial with Dan - project and report ‘mega’ wobble

Not much ‘delivering’ this week and I’m definitely having a ‘where am I going' with this’ moment. After scheduling in an appointment with Dan to discuss my Critical Report, I revisited my attempt at Critical Writing from last month. I realised it would need to be completely rewritten. I must admit the assignment was completed quickly, but after re-reading the document, I realised it was of no calibre. Undeterred, I’ve made an appointment with ASK the academic team. Formal Written assignments are not my forté, and I’ve realised from the last essay we had to produce that their advice and guidance on structure is invaluable. I’ve also returned to my original research notes to review my reading material. I felt for the FMP, the content was quite weak and not substantial for an academic essay. No problem, plenty of time…ish. Dan was very diplomatic in mentioning this, but I knew the essay wasn’t good enough. We also discussed the creative response to my project, which is an app with prompt reminders (James Clear, Atomic Habits) to use the local Jubilee Drinking Water Fountain over-reliance on single-use plastics. The fountain is positioned in a prominent place in the High Street and will light up according to usage and the community working together. On further discussion, Dan queried whether the app was needed and the lighting would be enough to signify usage. Having worked so closely with this project for the past 15 weeks, I haven’t considered it, and I now seriously need to question its purpose. As I have significantly progressed with the app design, I have given myself a week to think about this, before I make any hasty decisions.

This week's Wednesday  Reading Group webinar, again with Dan Brackenbury, was about our Critical Reports, which, in all honesty, couldn’t have come at a better time. We were presented with some examples of learning outcomes from past students and critiqued the layout, content substance and why these had achieved the deserved grades.

This made me consider my layout, which, in all honesty, I hadn’t worked on and why this is as much a critical part for the viewers as the report itself.


Phase 04 - Week 17


Phase 04 - Week 15