Week 7: Researching Trends

Your research task this week is to evaluate emerging trends that are relevant to your project and develop a concise three-sentence positioning (or mission) statement for your project.

Understand how new fields of practice can be considered in order to inform the direction of your creative strategy.

I visited The Future Laboratory website to look at the strategy and insights they use to build and future-proof brands

I found this website with great insights to Gen Z research and behaviour which I felt were relevant to my chosen project brief

Understanding Gen Z’s values and beliefs is critical if we want to connect with them

Emma was automatically drawn to the displays which you could interact with

One of the games that caught her attention the most was PONG the first video game, in the basement in the Science Museum, London.

It was incredibly addictive and we played this game for ages, a prime example that simplicity is key.

The Future Laboratory was recognised as one of the world’s leading future consultancies. They combine a unique blend of trend forecasting, consumer insight, foresight, brand strategy, and innovation to inspire and future-proof organisations.

In particular, I was looking at the habits of Gen Z, which is the target audience (18-30-year-olds) of the Science Museum brief. I know this generation well. I have three of them at home, with my children being Tom aged 20, Emma 20 and James 23.

As a lot of their behaviour reports were not available, I searched for some more trend reports.

  • Over half of Gen Z individuals start and end their day with social media, doing so on most days (Source)

  • 75% of the Gen Z audience wants brands to do something new and unique (Source)

  • 73% of the Gen Z audience play console games like PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo (Source)

  • 80% of Gen Zers use streaming services (Source)

  • Gen Z will surpass Gen X in its number of buyers by 2025 (Source)

  • 37% of Gen Z prefer a social gaming experience (Source)

  • The number of Gen Z using the Internet for discovery has decreased by 9% year-over-year (Source)

  • 69% of Gen Z chat with friends online while watching TV (56%) use social media, (and 32%) read emails (Source)

    34% of all iPhone users are Gen Z (Source)

  • 42% of Generation Z prefer brand content that is fun and entertaining (Source)

  • 60% of Gen Z use social media for research and discover information (Source)

Understanding Gen Z’s values and beliefs is critical for brands that want to connect with them. They are a generation open to change and want to see progress globally, so brands need to be transparent and authentic to earn their trust

I decided to watch and observe my daughter, Emma (20) at the Science Museum to see her behaviour in how she observed information. Apart from being on her phone all the time to keep in contact with her friends, she was instantly interested in the interactive displays with buttons and lights.


GDE740 - WEEK 8


GDE740 - WEEK 6