Week 12 - Outcome and Ambition

You will be working towards achieving the following learning outcomes detailed in the Assignments tab:

LO1: Research — Select and deploy appropriate research methodologies to inform the needs within a project.
LO4: Distil — Position a creative strategic insight that has been distilled and refined through an informed investigation.
LO5: Imagine — Deliver appropriate and innovative ideas that embrace risk, have contemporary relevance and question the boundaries of the discipline.
LO6: Make — Select and utilise relevant tools, skills and technologies in the delivery, iteration and sustainable production of an outcome.
LO7: Collaborate — Demonstrate inclusive and empathetic strategies to plan and execute a project across distributed collaborative situations.
LO8: Design — Realise a final solution that evidences its strategic journey and clear relationship between form and function.
LO9: Communicate — Communicate effectively in a range of contexts and situations to specialist and non-specialist audiences.

Week 12 - Project story, evaluation and conclusion

As we draw to the conclusion of what feels like an intense last couple of weeks (studying for an MA, working full time and Christmas are not a great combination), but it’s all finally starting to make sense! Before I launched into evaluation, I decided to put some thought into how I was going to market my product.

Bring the product to market
The last challenge of this module is to evaluate our outcome in both design and vision and whether it successfully connected with its designated audience. To do this I brought my kids on board (20, 20 and 23) for a different perspective from this younger demographic to see if I had hit the brief on target and whether there were things I could have done differently.

I also went back to the lecture from ‘Dan Parry’ Module 730 from Week 11, where he discussed how important it is to understand your audience to market your product. Although I thought nice London Underground tube posters to advertise my ‘Daily Challenge app game’ would look great, I realised that I probably wasn’t right for this phone/tech-savvy audience and I needed to look at ways of taking the audience to them!

Reminding myself of the stats and insights I gathered from week 7 -

“Over half of Gen Z individuals start and end their day with social media, doing so on most days”

75% of the Gen Z audience wants brands to do something new and unique”

60% of Gen Z use social media for research and discover information

It seemed key to my marketing to advertise my app through online channels. Knowing that Gen Z relies heavily on social platforms -
88% of Gen Z use YouTube, followed by Instagram (76%), TikTok (68%), and Snapchat (67%) I decided to create some carousel adverts and look at social media influencers.

A week 12 style mock up

A very quick mock-up of thinking about where the marketing goes from here. It made sense to create graphics, aimed at the target audience.


Week 11 - Design Development