Week 08 - Collaborative tools

Building New Models and Tools for Future Practice

You will be working towards achieving the following learning outcomes detailed in Brief 2:

LO1: Research – select and deploy appropriate research methodologies to inform the needs within a project.
LO4: Distil – position a creative strategic insight that has been distilled and refined through an informed investigation.
LO5: Imagine – deliver appropriate and innovative ideas that embrace risk, have contemporary relevance and question the boundaries of the discipline.
LO8: Design – realise a final solution that evidences its strategic journey and clear relationship between form and function.
LO9: Communicate – communicate effectively in a range of contexts and situations to specialist and non-specialist audiences.
L10: Manage – demonstrate applied planning and organisational skills to support self-directed project work and inform ongoing professional development needs.

Introduction by Susanna Edwards

This week’s introduction encourages us to look at collaboration and new ways of sharing ideas. We are encouraged to look at examples by Made Open website and Stefan Sagmeister in living in Bali where the individuals share their thinking and their extreme approaches to ensure their creativity remains fresh and inspiration can be renewed from new sources.

We are encouraged to apply this to our own thinking and consider a collaborative tool from our own practice or way of working. These can be as adventurous as our imagination allows and not be held back by financial resources but we should consider the ways to get these ideas off the ground - Crowdsourcing, Kickstarter?

Also, consider the design stage process and how you might utilise collaboration - are there any tools to help with the research?

Read | Watch | Listen

Carrying out weekly research from the resource list given:

Made Open

I loved this website Made Open website which is a platform that empowers organisations to build and strengthen community partnerships. This gives individuals the opportunity to join a local team or exchange skills through the power of collaboration.

This is their philosophy embedded in their culture and approach

These were their core values for collaboration which I thought were important to remember for my own project

  • Collaborate for collective impact

  • Let people be the drivers of their own change

  • Co-design where possible/practical

HATO - Crowd-sourcing an identity

HATO is a studio, publishing house and concept store who develops design through various mediums, including production, play and participation and transform the narrative of its practice through technology, design thinking and strategy.

They work within the culture and collaborate with artists, organisations and brands who carry similar values with the ultimate goal of connecting a community and to leave a legacy that adds value and a strong foundation to grow from.

They encourage each other through teamwork and collaborating to explore new practices and fields of learning. They view each new brief, project or connection is as an opportunity to expand their understanding of the world and how to develop better ways of working together.

Shiseido - Alive with Beauty (AI)

I really liked this collection of interactive artworks made by House of Shiseido where you could edit the artwork through an app and is then projected on a big screen.

Commons platform - Video with Sophie Varlow and Nick Wood

The Commons platform is values-based social media, built and owned by everyone, for everyone. It’s a collaborative group of co-creators, of all backgrounds, experiences and skills. Sophie Varlow and Nick Wood discuss the idea to contribute to that vision of a more connected world through an open-source, decentralised commons-owned social network for community organising, activism, resource-sharing, crowd-sourcing, open access research and data.

Since its inception, the Commons Platform, has grown now to be a collaborative project of 300+, co-creators all involved in building both the platform itself and contributing to future events. They also give an example how as a collective this would contribute to the local economy, by using local and how this would be sustainable if this was easily accessible.

Week 08 - Crit with Theresa

Although my work for brief 02 was incomplete, I had an initial layout and thought it was essential to partake for feedback from my fellow students and tutor, for which I am grateful for their invaluable advice, as it made me look at the design from a different angle. I was struggling with the ‘collaborative’ aspect and some different websites were suggested for further research into the collaborative digital aspect of then brief.

A BIG thank you to the crit students - suggestions by:

Adam Gambles 6:55 PM
Useful article: https://www.treatmentstudio.com/long-reads/u2-ar

Emily McDaid 6:55 PM
This is the NFT tile website I was talking about. If you're a podcast listener, Ira Glass from This American Life did a really interesting episode about this. https://pixelmap.io/about

Marc Henine 6:52 PM

Dani Ryles 6:53 PM
This might be useful for you: https://www.stefanieposavec.com/updating-happiness

Dani Ryles Paint by numbers wall murals for your research too Louise 😊

Further research

I absolutely loved this example and the vibrant eye-catching graphics were exactly the concept I was trying to get across in my project.

Updating Happiness – Stefanie Posavec
The Wellcome Collection

This is the website that most caught my eye, the exhibition – Joy and Tranquillity – at The Wellcome Collection which celebrates the complexity of positive emotions by artist Stefanie Posavec.

She created an algorithmic system that generates a unique design, based on your answers to a series of questions about your feelings on happiness. Various parameters change the colour, pattern, design elements and font depending on the answers you give. We developed a bespoke software app and website where you can answer the questions and then generate your unique artwork which you can then download as an image. You can also choose to add it to the large-scale projection.

The website was still live so this is the version I created. Quite cool!


HATO, Crowd-sourcing an identity, [online]
Available at:
https://www.hato.co/casestudy/pick-me-upLinks to an external site. [Accessed 11 June 2019]

made open
Available at: https://weare.madeopen.co.uk/Links to an external site.

Wellcome collection
Available at: https://www.stefanieposavec.com/updating-happiness

Happiness website
Available at: https://www.updatinghappiness.com/

Butler, A. (2012) David Turner (Turner Duckworth) Interview, DesignBoom [online]
Available at: https://www.designboom.com/design/david-turner-turner-duckworth-interview/Links to an external site. [Accessed 11 June 2019]


Week - 09 Entrepreneurship


Week 07 - Global Studios